Ludvig Andersson

Stockholm, Sweden

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Hazemaze, with Ludvig centre

How did you first get into psych / stoner / doom?

I’ve always been a fan of the occult / heavy rock groups to come out of the late 60s and early 70s, such as Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Hawkwind, Uriah Heep and many more. Although, I don’t really categorise those bands as psych, stoner or doom bands, but more as hard rock.

When I started playing with Hazemaze, my eyes were opened to all these new bands who have been perfecting the sounds of the 60s and 70s and I was hooked. We actually started out as a garage / surf rock band, but with my background as a huge Sabbath fan, the music took another turn when I joined.

What’s the most psychedelic experience you’ve ever had?

So many different experiences to choose from, but the most remarkable must have been when I tried shrooms the first time. It felt as if I was one with the cosmos and it all made sense. The connection between all life was visible. The songs Lord Cubensis and Minds Abyss off our album is about two of those experiences. I’m a firm believer that the world would be a better place if all of us got that experience at least once in a lifetime.

What’s the most memorable experience you’ve ever had at a concert? Who was playing?

I was 13 years old and my father and I went to see Uriah Heep in Stockholm. The venue was small and the audience was about 50 people – not the biggest gig, but the band delivered one hell of a show anyways. The atmosphere amongst the crowd and the band was amazing.

After the band had played, they came out on stage to thank the audience and hand out picks, drum sticks and such. I missed the drum sticks because I was too short. I also missed the picks and was a bit disappointed, but as the band turned around to walk backstage, Mick Box (lead guitarist) turned around, reached out over the crowd and shook my hand. I was star struck and it is something I will never forget.